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Informed Consent


This informed consent and agreement are entered into by and between Piper Harris, “Counselor,” of Untangled Mind, LLC, and Client (s), whereby Counselor agrees to provide Counseling Services for Client (s) with a client-led focus. Client(s) will receive counseling sessions with this agreement to begin the signing of this agreement.

The Process of Counseling: Piper Harris is an associate professional counselor with Georgia State (APC009417). As a Counselor, I will participate in a 2-year, 3,000-hour residency. After the residency, Counselor will receive LPC, a licensed professional counselor in the state of Georgia. Currently, the Counselor is under direct clinical and site supervision by Dr. Susan Belangee, Georgia license LPC7099. Issues and concerns should be addressed with Counselor. However, Dr. Belangee may also be contacted at or (678) 570-5809.

Core Values and Statement of Faith: I am committed to honoring Jesus Christ and glorifying God, remaining flexible and responsive to the Holy Spirit in all that I am called to be and do. I am committed to Biblical truths and to excellence and unity in the delivery of my services. I acknowledge the complexity of humans as physical, social, psychological, and spiritual beings. The ultimate goal of counseling under the direction of my Christian Faith is to help others move to personal wholeness, interpersonal competence, mental stability, and spiritual maturity. Some interventions may include Christian components; however, I respect your autonomy in choosing whether to participate or not and am sensitive to your wishes.

As a practicing Catholic Christian, my faith informs and guides every aspect of my life, including my professional services in consultation and counseling. I affirm my commitment to uphold the principles of my faith while diligently serving my clients with integrity and respect.

However, I want to articulate a crucial aspect of my practice. I will not tolerate any deliberate or purposeful attempts to use my counseling or consultation services as a means to undermine or attack my Catholic Christian faith. It is paramount for me that all interactions with clients are carried out respectfully and in good faith with the intent to seek the services I provide.

In line with the protection provided to all citizens by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, I firmly stand by my right to religious freedom. I will continue to respect the rights of others to hold their own beliefs, and I ask for the same courtesy in return. I believe that the foundation of a successful therapeutic relationship is mutual respect, understanding, and consideration.

By engaging in my services, clients acknowledge their understanding of this vital aspect of my practice and, correspondingly, their commitment to maintaining a respectful and professional therapeutic environment.

My practice is open to individuals of all faiths and beliefs, provided the intention of using the services aligns with the principles of respect, understanding, and the spirit of seeking help.

Counseling Practice: Currently, the Counselor serves adults and couples. This may change at any time per the Counselor’s discretion. Counseling is a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Counselor and the Client(s) in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client(s) to maximize personal and professional potential. It is designed to facilitate the creation/development of mental health personal, professional, or business goals and develop and carry out a strategy/plan to achieve those goals. Counseling is not always comfortable or straightforward, as difficult emotions often must be sorted through for change to occur. Clients should feel comfortable with me as their counselor and be able to ask about whatever is on their minds regarding the process.

Iatrogenic Statement and Counseling Risks and Benefits

Iatrogenic Statement

While our counseling practice is dedicated to providing the highest quality care and support to our clients, it is important to acknowledge the possibility of unintentional harm. Therapy and counseling are complex processes, and despite our best efforts, some interventions may lead to unforeseen negative effects. Adverse events may occur during or shortly after treatment, potentially leading to a deterioration of mental state, damaged interactions between the client and counselor, and ruptures in the therapeutic alliance. The use of inappropriate methods may also lead to a rupture of the relationship, increasing the risk of iatrogenesis or adverse psychological or behavioral effects. A poor fit between the counselor and client, as well as risks attached to specific interventions, can further contribute to these negative outcomes.

We strive to minimize these risks by continuously monitoring and evaluating our practices. We encourage open communication with our clients to address any concerns or adverse experiences promptly. Your well-being is our utmost priority, and we strive to create a safe and supportive environment for your therapeutic journey.

Risks and Benefits


- Emotional Discomfort: Counseling may involve experiencing uncomfortable feelings, such as sadness, guilt, anxiety, anger, frustration, loneliness, and helplessness, as it often requires discussing unpleasant aspects of your thoughts and choices.

- Adverse Events: These may occur during or shortly after treatment, leading to potential deterioration of mental state.

- Therapeutic Ruptures: Damaged interactions between the client and counselor, and ruptures in the therapeutic alliance, may happen.

- Inappropriate Methods: The use of inappropriate therapeutic methods can lead to a rupture of the relationship and an increased risk of iatrogenesis or adverse psychological or behavioral effects.

- Poor Fit: A poor fit between the counselor and client can contribute to negative outcomes.

- Intervention Risks: Specific interventions may carry inherent risks that could impact the therapeutic process and outcomes.


- Counseling has been shown to benefit individuals undertaking it. Potential benefits include:

Significant reduction in feelings of distress

Increased satisfaction in interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships

Greater personal awareness and insight

Enhanced skills for managing stress and situations

Resolutions to specific problems

Actualization of personal goals

No Guarantees:

- There are no guarantees about what will happen during counseling. Success in counseling requires a very active effort on your part. To be most successful, you will need to work on things discussed in sessions outside of those sessions.

Client Responsibilities:

- To enhance the counseling relationship, the Client(s) agrees to:

Communicate honestly

Be open to feedback and assistance

Create the time and energy to participate fully in their sessions, both in and outside of the therapy room

Maintain engagement in their counseling without relying on reminders from the Counselor for follow-up on session reservations, activities, assignments, or assessments.

- The Client(s) recognizes that counseling is a commitment of their time and should allocate the hours required to grow in their personal development.

Counselor Responsibilities:

- Continued Assessment: Regularly assess the client's progress with appropriate tools and techniques to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

- Ongoing Discussion: Maintain open communication with the client regarding the course of treatment and goal actualization.

- Tailored Interventions: Use evidence-based and individualized therapeutic interventions suited to the client's unique needs and circumstances.

- Professional Development: Engage in ongoing professional development to stay current with the latest counseling practices and research.

- Ethical Standards: Adhere to the ethical guidelines and standards set forth by professional organizations and regulatory bodies.

- Safety and Confidentiality: Ensure the safety and confidentiality of the client’s information and therapeutic process.

- Feedback and Adjustment: Seek regular feedback from the client and be willing to adjust the treatment plan as needed to meet their needs better.

- Supportive Environment: Create a supportive and non-judgmental environment that fosters trust and openness.

Counselor-Client Relationship

Ethical Standards:

- The Counselor agrees to maintain the ethics and standards of behavior established by the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). It is recommended that the Client(s) review the [Code of Ethics]( and the applicable standards of behavior. Additionally, the Counselor adheres to the State of Georgia standards and laws for counselors, which can be reviewed [here](

1) Counselor-Client Relationship
A. Counselor agrees to maintain the ethics and standards of behavior established by the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) It is recommended that the Client(s) review the Code of Ethics and the applicable standards of behavior. Additionally, the Counselor adheres to the State of Georgia standards and laws for counselors,

B. Dual Relationships: Exist when a Counselor interacts with a client(s) in any capacity beyond a Counselor’s role, such as being the client’s friend, business associate, or teacher of the client’s child. As your Counselor, I will not accept you as a client(s) if I feel a significant dual relationship exists. It is essential to realize that not all dual relationships are unethical or avoidable. Counseling never involves any dual relationship that impairs the Counselor’s objectivity or judgment or that can be exploitative. In some areas, dual relationships may be unavoidable. As your Counselor, I will never publicly acknowledge working with you without your permission; in most cases, I will allow you to approach me if you choose to do so. It is your responsibility to advise me if a dual relationship exists or arises that may become uncomfortable for you in any way. I will always listen and respond to your feedback and will discontinue the dual relationship if I find it is interfering with, or may interfere, with, the effectiveness of our counseling or your welfare. It is important to remember that you are experiencing me only in a professional role. Please understand that invitations to social gatherings or gifts may or may not be accepted. This is not because I do not care for you; it is based purely on ethical standards to provide you with the best counseling services.

C. Social networking and Internet Searches: as your Counselor, I will not accept friend requests from current or former clients on social networking sites. That would violate professional standards of ethical behavior and potentially compromise your confidentiality. As a Counselor and business owner, I do maintain a social media presence but will not imply, infer, or recognize you as a past or present client(s) on social media postings and responses. As your Counselor, I request that clients not communicate via social networking websites.

Telehealth/Telemedicine: Services by electronic means, including but not limited to telephone communication, the Internet, facsimile machines, and e-mail is considered telemedicine by the State of Georgia. Under the Georgia Telemental Health Ruling, telemedicine is broadly defined as delivery of services by a licensed Professional Counselor, Social Worker, or Marriage and Family Therapist using technology-assisted media. From one location to another. (1)You retain the option to withhold or withdraw consent at any time ensuring your review at There are potential risks, consequences, and benefits of telemedicine. Potential benefits include, but are not limited to improved communication capabilities, providing convenient access to up-to-date information, consultations, support, reduced costs, improved quality, change in the conditions of practice, improved access to therapy, better continuity of care, and reduction of lost work time and travel costs. Effective therapy is often facilitated when the therapist gathers within a session or a series of sessions, a multitude of observations, information, and experiences about the client. Therapists may make clinical assessments, diagnosis, and interventions based not only on direct verbal or auditory communications, written reports, and third person consultations, but also from direct visual and olfactory observations, information, and experiences. When using information technology in therapy services, potential risks include, but are not limited to the therapist's inability to make visual and olfactory observations of clinically or therapeutically potentially relevant issues such as: your physical condition including deformities, apparent height and weight, body type, gait and motor coordination, posture, work speed, any noteworthy mannerism or gestures, physical or medical conditions including bruises or injuries, basic grooming and hygiene including appropriateness of dress, eye contact (including any changes in the previously listed issues), sex, chronological and apparent age, ethnicity, facial and body language, and congruence of language and facial or bodily expression. Potential consequences thus include the therapist not being aware of what he or she would consider important information, that you may not recognize as significant to present verbally the therapist.

D. Counseling Plan: The Client is solely responsible for creating and implementing their own physical, mental, and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions, and results arising out of or resulting from the counseling relationship and his/her counseling sessions and interactions with the Counselor. The Counselor cannot guarantee any unlimited positive outcomes for the Client(s). As such, the Client(s) agrees that the Counselor is not and will not be liable or responsible for any actions or inaction or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the Counselor. At any point, the Counselor may refer you to a professional providing these services. If you are currently receiving treatment from a licensed mental health professional, you must inform them of our work together; a form will be provided to you.

E. Termination: Client(s) further acknowledges they may terminate or discontinue the counseling relationship at any time. The Client(s) also acknowledges that the Counselor may terminate the counseling relationship at any time due to inappropriate, abusive behavior, including cursing, degrading, or attacking the Counselor. The Client(s) also acknowledges that the Counselor may terminate the agreement due to repeated absences, owed debt, or any other concerns for ethical boundaries related to the AACC code of ethics.

F. Appointments: Sessions are 45-50 minutes in duration at a time agreed upon. The Counselor is located in the Eastern Time Zone and solely offers counseling in the state of Georgia. The time scheduled for your session is assigned to you and you alone. You will be given access to a client portal that allows for payment and scheduling. Alerts and reminders are sent to clients. However, the client is solely responsible for their session times.

Cancellation: Client(s) agrees to the following cancellation policy. Cancellation of any sessions must be received within 24 hours of scheduled services. Client(s) agrees to a timely appearance at all sessions. If the client(s) is unable to arrive within 15 minutes past the session's beginning time, the client(s) will be charged their session and/or fee. If the Counselor cannot make the session, the Client(s) will be notified before the scheduled appointment. If, for some reason, the Client(s) is unable to find a session date and time that works for their schedule, the Client(s) may email the Counselor and request additional dates and times. This request is not a promise of the requested counseling session time/date.

G. Professional Fees: All counseling fees are to be paid when services are rendered. The standard fee for the initial intake is $225.00, and each following session is $175 unless otherwise negotiated. However, the Counselor offers prepaid packages. These packages allow for discounted rates on per-session fees. THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE an insurer relationship; there is an assumption of risk. Your packages must be paid in full and used in full.

8 Session package expires 2 months from the purchase date.

12 Session package expires 3 months from the purchase date.

14 Session package expires 4 months from the purchase date.

You agree that any unused sessions are at your risk for loss. You are responsible for managing your sessions used; the Counselor will not offer an extension beyond contract terms.

You are responsible for paying your fees when they are due unless prior arrangements have been made. Payments must be made by credit card via the client portal. If you refuse to pay your debt, I reserve the right to use an attorney or collection agency to secure payment.

Payment: Client(s) agrees to the contract terms and will notify the Counselor if payment type changes. If payments are declined, the Client(s) will be asked for an additional payment form; however, if a different form of payment is not received, a fee of $25.00 will be assessed for every declined credit card. Any delinquent payments exceeding 14 days after the payment due date will suspend all counseling sessions and services. If Client(s) does not maintain payment on the due date or leaves counseling without notice and completion of contract terms, the client(s) will be placed into remediation in a small claims court and agrees to pay all legal fees incurred for Client(s) and Counselor.

**Other Fees: Other fees will be assessed for requested extended phone conversations or emails. The fee schedule below addresses all fees. **

Initial Intake

Individual Session
$175, 45-50-minute sessions

Couples Session $200, 60-minute sessions (2024)

Missed Session without 24 Hour Notice -
Full Session Fee

This fee is applied when 24 hours notice is not provided, and the counselor and client have not made other arrangement

Declined Debit/Credit Cards $25.00

This is applied to ALL declined debit/credit cards.

Extensive Email Response $10.00 per email

This rate applies to the length emails sent in response to yours. However, this shall not be used as an extension of sessions on a regular basis.

Extensive Phone Conversations $1.00 per minute

This fee is applied if we are unable to speak for less than 10 minutes no more than 20 minutes regarding scheduling or other concerns.

Consultation Appointment $250

This includes speaking engagements, business planning, etc.

Raising of fees: Fees for our services are subject to change without notice, and we reserve the right to discontinue or modify our services or products at any time without prior notice. If a product or service is listed at an incorrect price with incorrect information due to typographical error, Untangled Mind, LLC has the right, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, to refuse or cancel any services placed at the incorrect rate. Fees will be re-evaluated and may reflect a fee increase; current clients with packages purchased may fulfill their current contract terms. However, subsequent contract terms will reflect a fee increase. Previous contract terms do not guarantee fees indefinitely.

No Surprises Act/Good Faith Estimate: You are entitled to receive this Good Faith Estimate of your potential charges for psychotherapy services provided to you. While it is not possible for the Counselor to know in advance how many psychotherapy sessions may be necessary or appropriate for a given person, a form will be provided to you as an estimate of the cost of services provided. Your total cost of services will depend upon the number of psychotherapy sessions you attend, your individual circumstances, and the type and amount of services that are provided to you. This estimate is not a contract and does not obligate you to obtain any services from the Counselor listed, nor does it include any services rendered to you not identified here. This good faith estimate is valid for the time stated in your form.

This Good Faith Estimate is not intended to serve as a recommendation for treatment or a prediction that you may need to attend a specified number of psychotherapy visits. The number of visits that are appropriate in your case and the estimated cost for those services depends on your needs and what you agree to in consultation with your therapist. You are entitled to disagree with any recommendations concerning your treatment, and you may discontinue treatment at any time.

The fee for a 45-minute psychotherapy visit (in person or via telehealth) is $175. Most clients will attend one psychotherapy visit per week, but the frequency of psychotherapy visits that are appropriate in your case may be more or less than once per week, depending upon your needs or desires. You have a right to initiate a dispute resolution process with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) if the actual amount charged to you substantially exceeds the estimated charges stated in your Good Faith Estimate (which means $400 or more beyond the estimated charges). If you choose to utilize this dispute option, you must submit your claim within 120 calendar days from the date of your first bill. There is a $25 fee to utilize the HHS dispute process. If the agency reviewing your claims agrees with you, you must pay the price of the good faith estimate. If the agency disagrees with you and agrees with your healthcare provider, you will be required to pay the total amount.

You are encouraged to speak with the Counselor at any time about any questions you may have regarding your treatment plan or the information provided to you in this Good Faith Estimate. Please visit for more information or to start your dispute claim.

Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate and the bill.

H. Professional Records The Counselor is required by the AACC to keep appropriate records of the counseling services I provide. Your records are maintained securely on a HIPPA-secured platform. All other information is saved on an external drive with encryption and password protection. Brief records noting that you were here, your reasons for seeking counseling, the goals and progress we set, topics we discuss, your medical and social history, income records, payment service records, records may have received from other providers you have given to Counselor with your written permission, as well as billing records or other communications between Counselor and Client including; email, text, or e-sign services. Any records will be retained for no less than seven years. Please see confidentiality below for agreement on professional records and how they may be acquired outside of the Counselor.

I. Confidentiality: This counseling relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that the Client(s) shares with the Counselor as part of this relationship, is bound by the principles of confidentiality set forth in the Code of Ethics. It is important that you understand all identifying information is kept confidential, except as those listed below.

Limits of Confidentiality: It is important that you understand the limits of confidentiality. In certain situations, the Counselor may be legally required to reveal information obtained during sessions to outside persons or agencies without your permission. This includes the following:

Confidentiality does not apply to generally known to the public or the client’s industry.

Confidentiality does not apply to information obtained by a third party without breach to the client.

Confidentiality does not apply to cases of suspected abuse/neglect of children or the elderly.

Confidentiality does not apply to cases of potential harm to self or others.

Confidentiality does not apply to cases of illegal activity.

Confidentiality may not apply in cases involving legal proceedings affecting the parent-child relationship.

Confidentiality may not apply to group or marriage counseling clients; secrets will not be maintained by the Counselor for marriage or group members' purposes.

Counselor may disclose confidential information in proceedings brought by Client against a Counselor.

Counselor may disclose independently developed information using only reference to general techniques and practice on social media, website, or podcast. No identifiable information will be revealed outside of gender and general techniques and behaviors.

Release of Information for accreditation, continuing education credits
The Counselor requires logs to show the engagement of client hours to maintain Counselor residency with the state of Georgia. Information provided to the state does not include PHI.

J. Contacting me & Hours of Operation
I am often not immediately available by phone or email. I do not answer my phone or email when I am with clients or otherwise unavailable. At these times, you may leave me a message or email. However, this is not confidential. I will return your phone call or email in no less than 24 hours on weekdays. If you have an emergency, you must call 911 and speak with professionals on the call. I will make every attempt to inform you of planned absences.

Hours of Operation

Counselor will be available to Client(s) Monday through Thursday from 10 AM to 6 PM Eastern Standard Time, Friday for administrative purposes. If communication is received after 5 PM EST, the Counselor will respond the following business day. If communication is received after 5 PM EST on Friday, the Client(s) will receive communication the following Monday.

Phone: (770) 317-1126


Written Acknowledgment and Consent to Counseling Informed Consent

I have reviewed this Informed Consent. I understand I have the right to request restrictions to how my information may be used or disclosed and that Untangled Mind, LLC is not required to agree to the restrictions I request. I agree to the provided fee schedule and will maintain financial responsibility for all services relevant to me, including all related court fees, whether or not I have initiated subpoenas, records requests, or related services. I accept this agreement and consent to counseling with Piper Harris of Untangled Mind, LLC.

Limited Liability, Assumption of Risk, Release

Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, the Counselor makes no guarantees, representations, or warranties of any kind or nature, express or implied concerning the counseling services negotiated, agreed upon, and rendered. In no event shall the Counselor be liable to the Client(s) for any indirect, consequential, or special damages. Notwithstanding any damages that the Client(s) may incur, the Counselor's entire liability under this Agreement and the Client’s exclusive remedy shall be limited to the amount actually paid (not applicable) by the Client(s) to the Counselor under this Agreement for all counseling services rendered through and including the termination date.

You agree that if you engage in any counseling in person or virtually, seeking personal, professional advancement, and/or behavioral change, or enter our premises or use any facility or equipment on our premises for any purpose or any online tools associated with counseling, you do so at your own risk and assume the risk of any and all injury and/or damage or financial loss you may suffer, whether while engaging in physical, mental, or emotional acts. This includes injury or damage sustained while and/or resulting from counseling sessions, using online tools, workbooks, guided exercises, any premises or facility, or using any equipment, whether provided to you by Counselor or otherwise, including injuries or damages arising out of the negligence of Counselor, whether active or passive, or any of Counselor’s affiliates, employees, agents, representatives, successors, and assigns. You assume the risk of your participation in any counseling session, activity, class, program, instruction, event, or counseling.

You agree that you are voluntarily participating in the aforementioned activities and assume all risk of injury mentally, physically, financially, or emotionally, illness, damage, or loss to you or your property that might result, including, without limitation, any loss or theft of any personal property, financial property whether arising out of the negligence of Counselor or otherwise.

You agree on behalf of yourself (and all your personal representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, agents, and assigns) to release and discharge Piper Harris of Untangled Mind, LLC, owner, staff, and Counselor (and Counselor’s affiliates, related entities, employees, agents, representatives, successors, and assigns) from any and all claims or causes of action (known or unknown) arising out of the negligence of Counselor, whether active or passive, or any of Counselor’s affiliates, employees, agents, representatives, successors, and assigns. This waiver and release of liability include, without limitation, injuries that may occur as a result of (a) negligent instruction or counseling (b) negligent hiring or retention of employees, and/or (c) emotional, mental, financial, or physical pain resulting from Counselor’s or anyone else’s negligence.

3) Entire Agreement This document reflects the entire agreement between the Counselor and the Client(s) and reflects a complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter. This Agreement supersedes all prior written and oral representations. The Agreement may not be amended, altered, or supplemented except in writing, signed by both the Counselor and the Client(s). By execution of this agreement, you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Counselor from any loss, liability, damage, or cost Counselor may incur due to the provision of counseling by Counselor to you. Dispute Resolution If a dispute arises out of this Agreement that cannot be resolved by mutual consent, the Client(s) and Counselor agree to attempt to mediate in good faith for up to 30 days after the notice is given. If the dispute is not resolved, and in the event of legal action, the client(s) will incur all attorney’s fees and court costs for all parties.
Severability If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and enforceable. If the Court finds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable but that by limiting such provision, it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited. Waiver The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement.
Applicable Law This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia Professional Counseling Board, without giving effect to any conflicts of laws provisions. Binding Effect This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Please see the acknowledgments below.

Consent/Acknowledgements You expressly agree that the foregoing informed consent, contract terms, assumption of risk, assumption of loss, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the law and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. You acknowledge that Counselor offers a service to client(s), encompassing the entire mental, emotional, and physical spectrum. This release is not intended as an attempted release of claims of gross negligence or intentional acts. You acknowledge that you have carefully read this waiver and release and fully understand that it is a release of liability, express assumption of risk, loss, and indemnity agreement. You are aware and agree that by executing this contract, waiver, and release, you are giving up your right to bring legal action or assert a claim against the Counselor for the Counselor’s negligence or for any defective product or service used while receiving counseling from the Counselor. You have read and voluntarily signed the waiver and release and further agree that no oral representations, statements, or inducement apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made. You voluntarily agree if the agreement is completed online, your agreement and acknowledgment of this waiver and release are agreed upon through your receipt of this agreement.


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